Sunday, March 27, 2016

#SOL16 Day 27 Maybe That Wasn't the Lesson I Was Supposed to Learn...

#SOL16 Day 27 Maybe That Wasn't the Lesson I Was Supposed to Learn...

This morning as I was walking, trying to get in my steps before church, I was pondering on why was it so hard for me to write yesterday. I know that it happens to the best of writers. And no, I'm not putting myself in that category. But every day in class, when our students say those dreaded words, "I can't think of anything to write," I say, writing is just like talking. Everyone has something to say. Just talk to me on your paper. But it isn't always that easy is it?

So yesterday, when I hit that stumbling block, maybe the lesson wasn't what do we do when we hit our writer's block. Maybe the lesson(s) was: stop, take a look around you. Appreciate what is right in front of you. Enjoy the ordinary-ness of today. Find something simple and look for the pleasure in it. I think sometimes I can get so wrapped up in all of life's trappings and I miss out on so many little things. And isn't it really the little things, that all add up to become the big things? Maybe my lesson to learn was what do we really do to help kids when they say they have nothing to write about. Is my trivial little remark really going to help think grow as a writer? Maybe instead I should sit with them and just talk. Perhaps a spark will come out of that which will become their story. I think sometimes I just need to stop and see it through the eyes of my 8 and 9 year students. Writing can be scary. Writing can be fun! Writing can heal. Writing can cease! It is what we do in the "in between times" that makes it worthy of writing!!

As we near the end of this 31 day writing challenge, I'm glad that this lesson presented itself to me!!


  1. You hit the nail right on the head! It is easy to brush off the "I don't know what to write about" comment, but taking the time to talk is a great way to get the words flowing. A great lesson!


  2. Powerful reflection here! What a great discussion this would be in your classroom with your students. I love how being a writer is changing you as a teacher. Such a great slice!!!
