Thursday, March 24, 2016

#SOL16 Day 24 To Do or Not to Do?

#SOL16 Day 24 To Do or Not to Do?

There's no school tomorrow. It  is Good Friday. But that is not why we are off. It is a Bad Weather Day, and since we didn't have a snow day this year, we get tomorrow off. There are a million things I need to do. That I should do. Continue cleaning that I started last weekend. More organizing. Report card grades are due next week. The list just keeps growing. Every time I cross off something, I find myself adding at least 2 or 3 more things that have to be done. Right. Now. friends have posted pictures of recent trips to bluebonnet fields and tulip trips. Their babies are sitting in the fields. Their puppies are frolicking in between the blooms. And I want to be outside. I need to be outside. So I think a field trip is in order. I mean, the mess, the laundry, the report cards, they are not going anywhere. But the bluebonnets and the tulips- their days are numbered. And I need sunshine. I need to be able to walk, outside...
Anyone out there with me on this?


  1. Yes! Go outside!

  2. Yes! Go outside!

  3. I think you've answered your own question. Outside is calling. You must answer! Have fun!

  4. I agree! All the other stuff will still be there but the tulips and bluebonnets won't be. Go enjoy the sunshine and collect some slice ideas for tomorrow!
